Top Viewed YouTube - Israel - Ukraine Conflicts - Oryx Losses - As of February, 11Sign in

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Most Viewed Videos: Israel / Hamas Conflict

297,836 | pH:15,864 | 1,183 | |
24-02-11 04:31 - WTKR News 3
244,731 | pH:12,911 | 4,559 | |
24-02-11 11:15 - DW News
363,180 | pH:12,390 | 6,999 | |
24-02-11 00:45 - Jamuna TV
122,380 | pH:10,187 | 17,674 | |
24-02-11 18:03 - Hamzah Saadah
3,562,395 | pH:9,380 | 87,309 | |
24-01-22 14:00 - Islam Trend
90,897 | pH:7,550 | 3,141
24-02-11 18:00 - ILTV Israel News

Most Viewed Videos: Contrarians

Below are Channels opposed to supporting Ukraine militarily.
Most of the videos above are neutral to favorable to military support.So this second list is to get information from the opposite side.
If these videos stress you out, I recommend you watch Professor Gerdes, who reviews regularly videos from these channels.
Here is a summary of, or an introduction to, the most viewed videos:
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