This tool lets you search tweets by keyword and/or user. You can also enter directly a Twitter query
The data is displayed in tabular format and also in graphs.
The graph available for the moment is:
- - A Sentiment/Subjectivity Scatter:
A Sentiment value around 0 indicates a neutral sentiment, while a positive value shows a positive sentiment and a negative value indicates a negative sentiment.
And the higher the subjectivity value, the more subjective the sentiment seems to be.
I want to implement more information in the future.
Leave a comment below if you want to give me some ideas.
The available search parameters are:
- Language: | It will default to English if not selected, except if you enter a custom query in "query" |
- Search: | Enter one or several words to look for |
- User: | Enter a user you are interested in the tweets from |
- Min Likes: | Minimum number of likes per tweet |
- Min Replies: | Minimum number of replies per tweet |
- Min Retweets: | Minimum number of Retweets per tweet |
- Query: | A custom Twitter search command. You can build one with the help of |